Release Summary – May 2024

Inventory Management

Expired or outdated goods are omitted in stock availability
  • In addition to the expiry date, users can configure an "available until" value on stocks. For example, this allows products to be withdrawn from a sales channel a certain time before they expire. For information on configuration of availableUntil refer to Listings.

  • Stocks that have expired or have exceeded their availableUntil value are not considered anymore in the stock availability, namely in availableForPicking and availableOnStock. For more information please refer to Availability.

Localizations for listing titles and attributes
  • Improved concept for localizations in our platform. For more information please refer to Localizations.

  • Allowing multi-language translations for titles and attributes of listings. For more information please refer to Listings.

New event added to notification center

Trigger e-mails to configurable mail addresses each time a routing plan is waiting. For more information please refer to Notification Center.

New stock availability - streamlining our availability endpoints and improve comprehensibility
  • New availability concepts that streamline our availability endpoints and improve comprehensibility.

  • The following fields in our endpoints api/stocks/summaries and api/stockdistribution will be marked as "deprecated" (but will still be available for usage):

    • available

    • availableToPromise

    • readyToPick

  • The following fields in our endpoints api/stocks/summaries and api/stockdistributionare added:

  • stockOnHand: Stock that is physically present in a facility

  • availableOnStock: Stock that is available to be sold (replaces availableToPromise)

For more information please refer to Inventory Management - Availability.

Order Fulfillment

Services in the task view
  • We have added a new tab for service tasks (if activated) which show service tasks with their status and content.

    • More about services can be found here

    • Search function and filters are still in progress and will follow soon

Order Routing

Bundling items
  • Orderlines or eaches of orderlines can now be bundled within an order.

  • We make sure that bundled items will be fulfilled in the same location and a split of these items is prevented in the routing decision.

Handling appointment times
  • Collect orders can now include a customer pick-up date.

  • This pick-up date can be adjusted flexibly in case customers' plans change.

  • In case the customer does not show up, the pick-up task will be canceled automatically after a defined timeframe and the corresponding operational restow tasks are triggered.

Return Management

Returns Overview
  • We now have a new page in the Network Overview which displays available returns including their status and content (if module is used).

    • More about return management can be found here

    • Search function and filters are still in progress and will follow soon

Last updated