

In the inbound view, all inbound processes for the relevant facility are displayed, regardless of their current status. Search bar and filter can be used to find specific inbound processes. It is possible to search by reference ID, supplier name, item ID, and product name.


The following information can be found in the overview:

  • Status: The current status of the overall process, which can include:

    • Open: Delivery has not arrived yet

    • In Progress: Goods receipt has been started

    • Closed: Completeness of delivery was confirmed, items were checked and put on a storage location

    • Partial Delivery: Items in the delivery were missing

    • OnHold: Inbound process should be paused for now

    • Cancelled: Inbound process was cancelled by an admin or an external system (no further deliveries are expected)

  • Supplier ( Origin of the delivery

  • Reference ID (tenantInboundProcessId) : Unique ID by which the inbound process can be identified, e.g., a delivery note number

  • Expected delivery date (requestedDate): Date on which the delivery is expected to arrive based on the information in the purchase order

Deliveries with type "ASAP", that are expected to arrive as soon as possible, are sorted based on their order date. The order date can be revealed by hovering over the "ASAP" key.

  • Amount: Quantity of items that was accepted vs. expected to arrive

  • Rejected amount: Quantity of items that was rejected due to being, e.g., broken or damaged

The inbound process cards can be expanded to show more detailed information about all deliveries within the respective process. The following information can be found in the detail view:

  • Item: image and name of the product (from listings)

  • Item ID (tenantArticleId): Unique ID by which the product can be identified

  • Received Date: Date on which the delivery was accepted in the facility.

  • Amount: Quantity of items that was accepted vs. expected to arrive within this specific delivery

  • Rejected: Quantity of items that was rejected due to being, e.g., broken or damaged within this specific delivery

  • Stock Properties: If requested or accepted items have properties such as an expiry date, it is displayed in the detail view. Up to two properties are shown in this view. If there are more properties configured for an item, they can only be redeemed via API. For more information please refer to Stock Properties.


How to set an inbound process on hold?

An inbound process can be set on hold by clicking on the three-dot menu in the inbound card. After clicking "Set on hold", the inbound process is paused. The status is adapted in the inventory app as well. The "on hold" status can be removed in the same way.

How to cancel an inbound process?

An inbound process can be cancelled by clicking on the three-dot menu in the inbound card. After clicking "Cancel inbound process", the whole process is cancelled. Deliveries that have already been accepted stay on "closed" status and no information is lost. A cancelled inbound process can NOT be re-opened via Backoffice.

Last updated