Release Summary – September 2024



The following languages are now available:

  • Bulgarian

  • Croatian

  • Czech

  • Hungarian

  • Portuguese (Portugal)

  • Romanian

  • Slovak

  • Slovenian

Languages can be changed via the menu on the top right of all Backoffice pages.

All our apps are now listed on both the facility view settings and the network view settings page under "fulfillmenttools apps" including a link to the respective app store.


Storage principles can be defined on facility level. The principle “unmixed storage” means that the same item with different properties (e.g., expiry date) must not be stored on the same storage location. Enabling unmixed storage has the following effects:

  • If a user tries to stow the same items with different properties on the same storage location, a user prompt is shown in the inventory app.

  • For storage location recommendations only locations are shown where the unmixed storage principle is met.

Go here to get more information.

Order Fulfillment

Customer names are displayed in the task overview:

Notifications can be enabled for specific browser versions. If you are interested in this feature, please reach out to your fulfillmenttools contact person for assistance.

Last updated