Weighed or measured products

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Creating and using measurment units in picking

With every order it is possible to provide information about items which must be weighed or measured during the picking process (for example fruits, liquids or fabric). It is possible to configure individual measurement units for each tenant, such as grams, kilograms, liters, milliliters etc. via the API.

The configured measurement units can be used to mark items of an order as “must be measured”. There is no check of completion for measuring items, which means that no short-pick will be triggered when the picked measurement is lower than the ordered measurement.

Optionally, it is possible to specify tolerance limits that must not be exceeded or undershot when picking these items. If a soft tolerance is defined, the picker just sees a hint, when entering more or less than configured. If a hard tolerance limit is configured it is not possible to enter more or less (except of 0) than configured.

Secondary measurement units

In addition to a quantity of a line item, an order can also contain a second quantity and unit of this item, which leads the picker to enter a second quantity. This only works, if one of the two units were created as measurement units.

If you are interested in using this feature please get in touch with us.


How to pick weighted goods with one measurement unit?

There are different cases for a consumer to order weighted goods. This How To show´s the example of the case, when a consumer orders weighted goods in form of weight (1500g pears)

Start the pickjob as usual (Pick)

When you need to pick an weighted item, first weight the item and then enter the weighted amount into the app

Press "OK" when you are done

How to pick weighted goods with two measurement units?

This How To shows the example of the case, when a consumer orders weighted goods, that are ordered in pieces, but need to be weighted as well to define the price. (2 Watermelons)

Start the pickjob as usual (Pick)

Collect the amount of the item that are ordered. Afterwards enter the weighted amount and click on OK

Example for configured tolerances - hard tolerance

This How To shows the example of the case, when a consumer orders weighted goods in form of weight (1500g pears) with hard tolerance configured. In this case a hard tolerance for overweight is set with 20%.

Start the pickjob as usual (Pick)

Collect as much of the ordered item as is shown in the order. When you are about to enter the amount of weight, you can already see the max. tolerance rate (1200g in this case)

When you enter a weight over the max. tolerance rate. You will not be able to pick that amount of weight. The amount is shown in red and the “Save” button is greyed out and not able to be pushed.

Take less amount and try to stay in the tolerance range

Click on “Save” and continue with the picking process

Example for configured tolerances - soft tolerance

This How To shows the example of the case, when a consumer orders weighted goods in form of weight (1500g pears) with soft tolerance configured. In this case a hard tolerance for underweight is set with 20%

Start the pickjob as usual (Pick)

Collect as much of the ordered item as is shown in the order. In this example we could just pick 700g instead of 1000g because we were out of stock. Enter the 700g that have been picked

In case of a soft tolerance you will get a notification about the missing amounts, that you need to confirm.

When you are finished with picking, you have to confirm again, that the missing amounts, are correct. Click on “Yes, complete picking” to finish the process

Last updated