Honeywell Hardware Scanner Configuration
If you are using an Android device with multiple profiles, take care of it, that the configuration on this page is done in the same profile which the fulfillment application is installed.
You need to configure one profile per used fulfillmenttools application in the Honeywell Setting (e.g. Operations and Inventory).
Activate Hardware Scanner
In order to use the hardware scanner of a Honeywell device, it has to be set up first.
Select the profile you want to edit.
Select "Data Process Settings"
Make sure "Data Intent" is checked and tap on it
Make sure the following information for "Action", "Package Name" and "Extra Key" is entered
Adding Additional Barcode Types
If you want to support more Barcode types, activate them in the Honeywell settings. The Honeywell settings are part of the Android device settings.
Supported Barcodes
GS1 DataBar Expanded
GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked
GS1 128 Composite Symbologie
GS1 Databar Expanded Composite Symbologie
GS1 Databar Expanded Stacked Composite Symbologie
EAN-8 Composite Symbologie
EAN-13 Composite Symbologie
Data Matrix
2 of 5 Interleaved
External Documents
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