Android Enterprise Registration

Before using the Android Operations application, the app has to be linked with the corresponding tenant project. If an Android Enterprise account is in use, the connection process can be centrally automated with Google's Managed configurations and do not have to be done manually on the device.

Go into the Google Admin console and follow the steps below.

1. Open application search view

Click in the Google Admin console under Apps -> Web and mobile apps on Add app -> Search for apps to open the application search view.

2. Add fulfillmenttools application to the account

In the open search view, search for fulfillmenttools and click the Select button for the fulfillmenttools - Operations application. Define the needed access settings and safe everything.

3. Open settings for fullfillmentools application

Now select the added fulfillmenttools application to edit the settings, click on the fulfillmenttools - Operations entry.

4. Add managed configuration

On the settings page go to the Managed configurations and click on the ADD MANAGED CONFIGURATION button.

5. Fill out the Managed configuration

Name the Managed configuration (freely selectable), fill out the configuration data for the fulfillmenttools application and save it. The configuration data for the application can be requested by a service request (with customer credentials) or via the respective fulfillmenttools contact person.

Example Data

6. Open application Settings page

After the Managed configuration is defined and visible on the application settings page under Managed configurations, it must be selected for use in the Settings section.

7. Select the defined Managed configuration

With the selection of the pre-defined Managed configuration, the configuration is active and will be send to the devices with the installed fulfillmenttools - Operations application.

If all steps will be followed correctly, the application shows at the first start no Scan barcode screen and opens directly into the Login screen.

Please node: It may take some time before changes are available. An Android application restart can help here.

Last updated