

A reservation is made after an order has been received in a facility. The reservation reserves an existing or future stock for a customer.

Making reservations

A reservation is made after an order has been placed or a delivery promise has been made to a customer. There are multiple reservation criteria that need to be fulfilled for a stock to be considered for a reservation.

  • The stock must be pickable & accessible. This means the stock must be placed on a pickable location which is not locked. Stocks have both traits pickable & accessible by default. Go here for more information on setting traits.

  • The expiration date must not be exceeded. If a date is defined for "expiry" under stock properties, the expiry date has to be larger than now or larger than the delivery date specified in the order.

  • The available until date must not be exceeded. If a stockAvailableUntil is configured in the listing, the corresponding stock has an available until date. The available until date on the stock will default to the expiry date if nothing else is specified. The date has to be larger than now or larger than the delivery date specified in the order.

  • The arrival date of the stock must be before the latest possible picking start for the order. If a stock has not arrived in the facility yet, the requestedDate which is specified in the corresponding purchaseOrder must be smaller than the latest point in time when the picking can be started.

Managing reservations

After a reservation has been assigned to an (expected) stock, our systems constantly ensure that the reservations can still be fulfilled. This covers the following cases:

  • Stock is deleted

  • Stock becomes non-pickable: This could mean that the stock was relocated within the facility and put on a location without the "pickable" trait.

  • Stock becomes non-accessible: This could mean that the stock was relocated within the facility and put on a location without the "accessible" trait.

  • Expected stock's arrival date changes: If users are notified about changes of the arrival date of a delivery, we recommend to adjust the requestedDate in the purchaseOrder. This will lead to a check, ensuring that all reservations can still be fulfilled.

  • Expected stock's quantity changes: If users are notified about changes of the requested items in a delivery, we recommend to adjust the requestedItems in the purchaseOrder. This will lead to a check, ensuring that all reservations can still be fulfilled.

  • Purchase order is cancelled

If reservations cannot be fulfilled anymore as a consequence of the above changes, our systems will try to re-distribute the reservations on stocks meeting the reservation criteria. In case there is no other stock available, the reservations are still tracked and assigned to a fitting stock as soon as any becomes available. Reservations are only re-distributed to stocks that have already arrived in a facility. Expected stocks are not considered when re-distirbuting reservations.

Reservations on expected stock whose delivery is delayed are not re-assigned automatically. Users are expected to update the requestedDate or cancel the purchase order if reservations should be re-distributed.

If a stock expires and/or reaches its available until date, reservations are not automatically re-assigned. Users are expected to mark expired stock as non-accessible or delete it completely.

Last updated