Checkout Options

What is the purpose of this endpoint?

Our "checkout options" endpoint supports during the second last step in our checkout journey. This endpoint can be requested in order to give the consumer options how to proceed the checkout journey. Therefore it might be useful to use this endpoint multiple times e.g. when the cart was filled up with an additional item.

This endpoint informs about stock, facilities and their delivery options like which carrier can be used, which carrier product is available, when fulfillment can be performed how much does a shippment cost and how long does it take?

How does it work?

When sending a "checkout options" call into our system we perform a routing decision by checking just the FENCES which are configured as "active" in our DOMS configurations.

The call is quite similar to an order - call (see:

The response includes all information from possible locations that have stock of at least one of the ordered items and have not been filtered out by Fences. The response contains the following

  • Facility Data

    • General Information from facility

    • opening times (important for C&C cases) and their capacities

  • Stock information

    • stock placed within this facility (just for ordered items)

  • Carrier information

    • Active carriers

    • Available carrier products

    • Carrier costs

    • Carrier delivery times

Last updated