Order View

In the Network Overview our users get an overview over all routed orders. Users with the role ADMIN are able to search and to manipulate orders here.

The orders are sorted by the order date in an descending way.

The following actions are possible:

  1. Check the Orders Status

  2. Use filters

  3. Perform operational actions


Order Status:

Depending on the progress of an order, there are different kind of status. This status depends on how your process behind is designed. Looking at the whole "journey" there is a picking, packing, labeling and handover. The order status (technically the entity we are talking if is a process) merges those different status (see below) and informs the user about the progress.

Order "open": An order is in status open if no operational processes have been startet yet - Anyway, aouting-actions could have been performed - those are not influencing the order-status. The icon is grey.

Order "in progress": An order is in status "inprogess" if at lease one operational processes have been startet. The icon is yellow.

Order "finished": An order is in status "finished" if at all operational processes which needed to be performed have been startet. The items were handed over to the consumer directly or to the carrier. The icon is green. Note: if might be that not all items could have been picked. If this shortpick did not trigger an follow up action this shortpicked order can still become "finished".

Error-handling: If, along the road, we have detected an error (operational or technical) we display this with an exclamation mark and outline the entry with a red boarder

Picking Status:

-> When everything shows grey, this is a sign, that the picking has not started yet

-> When picking is commenced, it shows the picking status button in orange

-> When picking is finished the picking status button turns completely green.

-> When picking is partially picked but completed, the status button just shows a half filled green button

-> When a 0-pick took place a red circled button with a check sign appears

Packing Status:

-> When packing started, the packing status button turns orange

-> When packing is finished, the packing status button turns completely green

Label Status:

When the label has been created successfully, the label button turns green

-> When there as been an issue with the label, a warning sign appears

Handover Status

-> When the order has been picked up by a carrier or a customer, the handover status turns green


The order overview must handle a high amount of entries. Therefore we implement a variety of filters like:

  • Timespan

    • looking on the order date

  • Facilities

    • in which facility does the fulfillment take place?

  • Facility Countries

    • in which country does the fulfillment take place?

  • Delivery Countries

    • in which country is the delivery address?

  • Type

    • Looking on the Order-Type (Collect /Shipment)

  • Process Status

    • looking on the aggregated status of the process

  • "Completion by"

    • at what time should the pickjob be ready

  • Brands

    • looking on orders containing an item from a specific brand

Additionally you can directly search for an Order ID.

Perform operational actions

The following “intervening” options are implemented:

  • Order history for individual orders can be called up from here. This overview contains detailed information about the course of the fulfillment process:

    ->Routing: When was what routed or even rerouted where and why?

    ->Picking/packing/shipping: When were which steps performed?

  • Assign a new facility for fulfillment creates a new Pickjob in a selected facility - already created Pickjobs are deleted. To perform this action the following conditions must apply: All PJs are open, no items have been picked, no labels were requested. This feature only works for SFS-Orders. A C&C order cannot be assigned to another facility.

  • Changing the delivery address enables the user to handle situations where the shipment could not be delivered and a second attempt (with another address) should be performed.

  • Trigger a new DOMS decision for a routed order checks whether the current decision is still the best. If it is not, a new routing is performed - already created Pickjobs are deleted. To perform this action the following conditions must apply: All PJs are open, no items were picked and no labels were requested.

  • Canceling an order cancels all corresponding Pickjobs of an order. To perform this action the following conditions must apply: All PJs are open, no items have been picked, no labels were requested.

  • Reset Task Status: It is possible to reset the status of each step of each single task. This is helpful if a mistake has been made during the picking process in the store.

  • Reroute manually: It is possible to reroute tasks manually. This feature can be enabled in the settings. The difference between the the "Reroute order" and "Reroute Task" function is, that the reroute task action blacklists the facility in which the order has already been. Furthermore this function will be also shown in the facility view, which means supervisors can as well reroute tasks.

  • Unlock an order manually (if its locked) : If the order is marked as locked (because the customer has not payed yet for example), it is possible to unlock the order in the three dot meno of the order

Fulfillmenttools is a modular platform, which means an order entity is not mandatory. As we cannot assure that there is always an order entity, we implemented a fallback structure to make sure that the overview always has a general purpose and shows the relevant information.

Explanation of default Fallbacks for different information:

  • Order type - Fallback for the #1. Pickjob, #2: Shipments

  • Consumer name - Fallback #1 Pickjob, #2: Shipments

  • Consumer address: Fallback #1 Shipment, #2: Pickjob

  • Ordered Items - Fallback 1#:Pickjob(s), (Fallback 2#: Shipments - not yet available)

  • Order timestamp - Fallback #1: Pickjob, (Fallback 2#: Shipments - not yet available)

  • Order ID - Fallback #1: Shipments (here it's mandatory), Fallback #2: Pickjob (not mandatory)

  • If no info is present (no fallback available etc.) the column is empty

Special case "consumer address"

We allow the situation where a C&C order generates a SFS Pickjob, which will be shipped to the C&C-Facility the consumer selected. In order to show the correct address here and not the facility address we do not use a fallback and just look at the order information

How to check the order history?
  1. Select “Network View”

  2. Select “Network View”

  3. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  4. Click on the three dot menu at the order you would like to check and click on Order History

  1. Now you can check the order movements

How to trigger a new DOMS decision?
  1. Select Network view

  2. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  3. Expand the order you would would like to trigger a new routing decision for

  4. Click on the three dots and click on Reroute task (only possible if picking has not started)

  5. A new routing will be triggered for the selected Pickjob to find the ideal location of fulfillment

How to assign order to another facility?
  1. Select "Network View"

  2. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  3. Click on the order that you would like to assign to a different store (only possible if picking has not started)

  4. Select the store

  5. The order will arrive as a new task in the selected store

How to unlock an order which is marked as locked?
  1. Select "Network View"

  2. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  3. Click on the locked order that you would like to unlock, and clock on "Unlock"

How to cancel an order?
  1. Select “Network View”

  2. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  3. Select the order you would like to cancel

  4. Click on the button “Cancel order”

  5. You will be asked if you really want to cancel the order. If yes, click on “Cancel order”. The order will be marked as canceled and will disappear in the picking app

How to change the delivery address?
  1. Select “Network View”

  2. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  3. Select the order and select “Change delivery address”

How to check the order status?
  1. Select “Network View”

  2. Select “Network View”

  3. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  4. Open up the order task and check status (orange= in prgress grey = not started, green = done)

How to reset the order status?
  1. Select “Network View”

  2. Select “Network View”

  3. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  4. Open the order and click on the lower three dot menu and click on reset status

How to add an order with an item from a specific brand

The filter for brands just appears if there is an order with an item which is descriptions contains a brand.

A brand can be added to an orderline by adding an attribute with the category "miscellaneous" the key "BRAND" and with a value naming the brand (like in the following example).

// Some code```postman_json
 "orderLineItems": [
            "article": {
                "tenantArticleId": "item4711",
                "title": "Name of the item",
                "imageUrl": "https://example.com/abcd.jpg?tx=w_600,h_600",
                "attributes": [
                        "category": "miscellaneous",
                        "key": "BRAND",
                        "value": "Adidas"
            "quantity": 2,
            "scannableCodes": [

Last updated