DOMS configuration
The distributed order management system (DOMS) is a backend component that orchestrates the incoming orders from your online-store and decides where and how the order can be fulfilled best using several routing rules to meet your customers' needs best.
Based on certain rules, DOMS decides whether the order should be handled by a central warehouse as usual or if there is a better facility, which should take over the fulfillment of the customer’s order. This in turn means that the facilities which in the past have only served offline customers will now be micro warehouses that handle offline as well as online customers. We generate a new logistic network for fulfilment.
The benefits of this approach are:
Utilizing all available resources in a logistic network, making fulfillment more flexible and efficient while reducing costs
Reduce out-of-stock while also
Reducing stock levels
Reducing personnel costs since employees who are not fully busy in the stores can relieve warehouse workload
Add new services / improve services
Faster shipment (next- or Same Day) because facilities will be chosen by DOMS that are close to the location of the customer.
Keeping delivery promises especially in peak times since we distributed load of orders among the warehouse(s) as well as the local facilities.
The DOMS Configuration enables the functions of setting rules for routing orders.
When receiving an order we differentiate between a Click & Collect order and a Ship-from-Store order.
A Click & Collect order is not routed by the DOMS logics described in this chapter, since the customer has already chosen a facility from where he/she wants to pick up the order within the ordering procedure in the web shop. This means a C&C order must contain a facility information and the order is then routed directly to this facility and a task is created accordingly. Optionally, the same is possible with Ship-from-Store orders, see below.
If the order is a Ship-from-Store order it is routed by our DOMS system. In order to perform routing decisions our DOMS needs an order as well as facilities to route to. Further input parameters like listings and stock information can improve the routing decision but are not mandatory. Finally the order is then converted into a routable task and assigned to a facility.
One can split the DOMS logics into two different areas, which allows you to set routing rules.
Fences: Here you have the possibility to exclude locations from DOMS routing according to the Fences selected.
Ratings: Here you have the option to weigh locations according to the ratings selected. This allows you to set according to your preferences which location can best fulfill the order.
The details of both are described on the child pages.
It is possible that an order could not be routed, for example because all available facilities can't pass a specific fence. In such a case, the order is retried whenever another order is passed to the DOMS. After a configurable amount of time (in minutes), such an order is set into a “not_routable” state if it could not be routed to any facility beforehand. The default is set to 8 hours.
For all of those areas there are custom rules which can be set by our customer and also predefined rules specified by us.
In general, our DOMS supports two types of orders:
📦 Ship-from-Store, which includes standard delivery (several days) and Same Day
🛍️ Click & Collect, which can be configured as Click & Reserve
For Ship-from-Store orders, the following attributes can be defined:
Service Level, which defines whether the customer requires Same Day or standard delivery.
This attribute will be evaluated by the service type fence, see Fences )
Preferred Carrier, which can be used in case the customer wants to have his order delivered by a specific carrier.
This attribute will be evaluated by the carrier availability fence, see Fences )
Preselected Facilities, which tells the DOMS that only those specified facilities should be taken into consideration when performing a routing decision instead of all facilities within the network.
This attribute will be evaluated by the preselected facility fence, see Fences)
For Click & Collect orders, the following attributes can be defined:
Paid, a flag that indicates whether the order has yet to be billed when picked up by the customer (Click & Reserve) or already has been paid online (Click & Collect).
For now this flag is not evaluated by any fence nor rating but merely shown within our App client.
A primary facility, which was chosen by the customer as a pickup location for his order.
This attribute will be evaluated by the service type fence, see Fences)
Supplying facilities, which are a fallback for the primary facility in case that facility cannot fulfill all articles which were requested by the customer. In this case, a reroute (see Rerouting) can be triggered into one of the supplying facilities (which have to be of service type Ship-from-Store), which in turn fulfill the order and send it back to the primary facility where the customer will pick up the articles eventually. The concept of supplying facilities is similar to the preselected facilities for a Ship-from-Store order as it limits the amount of facilities that have to be considered by the DOMS. However in case of Click & collect, the DOMS must know in which facility the customer will pick up his order, hence the differentiation between the primary and the supplying facilities in contrast to just preselected facilities for Ship-from-Store orders.
This attribute will be evaluated by the service type fence, see Fences)
Good to know
In case supplying facilities are specified for a Click & Collect order, they will compete against the primary Click & Collect facility already when routing the order initially. In case a supplying facility performs better than the primary Click & Collect facility, this order will be routed to the supplying facility directly. The supplying facility in turn fulfills the order and send it back to the primary facility.
Last updated