Custom Carrier

Adding your own carrier / lastmile solution to fulfillmenttools

Apart from the provided carriers fulfillmenttools offers another option of carrier usage: The so called Custom Carrier. Those represent carriers that are not natively supported by fulfillmenttools, but are connected by an external service or operative process. The idea here is that a customer can connect his own fleet or an arbitrary way of delivery into fulfillmenttools.

Some examples for a custom carrier setup could be

  • Sending parcels via a local bike carrier, that is called by phone or messenger when needed

  • the shop owner, who takes parcels to a local carrier pickup point whenever it suits the operational process (maybe on his way home after work)

  • an own carrier fleet that delivers goods on its own schedule using detached tooling (like a standalone routing service & delivery app)

Multiple custom carriers possible While it is not possible to have more than one provided carrier in a system, it is possible to configure multiple custom carriers. Since the carrier key is used for identification and thus must be unique, a custom carrier must have the key starting with CUSTOM followed by any appendix (e.g. CUSTOM_BOSSONBIKE)

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