Available Events
Models to the Payloads can be found in our OpenAPI Specification: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fulfillmenttools/fulfillmenttools-api-reference/master/api.swagger.yaml in the corresponding path (see "Type of Payload")
Overview of available events
Event | Type of Payload | Description | API Lifecycle |
UPCOMING_TIME_TRIGGERED_REROUTE | UpcomingTimeTriggeredReroute ( | A time triggered reroute is imminent. | GA (general available) |
EXTERNAL_ACTION_EXECUTED | ExternalActionExecuted ( | An external action was executed. | GA (general available) |
ORDER_CREATED | Order ( | An order has been created. | GA (general available) |
ORDER_CANCELLED | Order ( | An order has been cancelled. | GA (general available) |
ORDER_UNLOCKED | Order ( | An order has been unlocked. | GA (general available) |
ORDER_FORCE_CANCELLED | Order ( | An order has been force cancelled | GA (general available) |
INVENTORY_FACILITY_STOCK_CHANGED | InventoryFacilityStock ( | The aggregated stock availability of one product (identified by its | GA (general available) |
INBOUND_DELIVERY_RECEIVED | InboundDeliveryReceived ( | A new receipt was finished, indicating that new stock was accepted in the facility. | GA (general available) |
INBOUND_DELIVERY_FINISHED | InboundDeliveryFinished ( | A new receipt was finished and the corresponding inbound process was completed, meaning the amount of received items for each requested line item is reached or exceeded. | GA (general available) |
INBOUND_DELIVERY_ON_HOLD | InboundDeliveryOnHold ( | An inbound process was placed on hold by setting the onHold flag to true. This means the process should be paused for now. | GA (general available) |
INBOUND_DELIVERY_RELEASED | InboundDeliveryFinished ( | An inbound process was released from onHold status by setting the onHold flag to false. This means the process can be continued. | GA (general available) |
ROUTING_PLAN_SPLITTED | RoutingPlan( | A routing plan has been split into multiple parts. | GA (general available) |
ROUTING_PLAN_WAITING | RoutingPlan ( | A routing plan is waiting for external events in order to get routed. | GA (general available) |
ROUTING_PLAN_FALLBACK | RoutingPlan ( | A routing plan has been routed to its fallback facility. | GA (general available) |
ROUTING_PLAN_ROUTED | RoutingPlan ( | A routing plan has been routed successfully. | GA (general available) |
ROUTING_PLAN_CANCELLED | RoutingPlan ( | A routing plan has been cancelled. | GA (general available) |
ROUTING_PLAN_REROUTEPLAN_CREATED | RoutingPlan ( | A reroute plan has been created for a routing plan | GA (general available) |
ROUTING_PLAN_NOT_ROUTABLE | RoutingPlan ( | An order could not be routed. The routing plan that was used is attached. | GA (general available) |
FACILITY_CREATED | Facility ( | A facility has been created. | GA (general available) |
FACILITY_UPDATED | Facility ( | A facility has been updated. | GA (general available) |
FACILITY_DELETED | Facility ( | A facility has been deleted. | GA (general available) |
PICK_JOB_CREATED | Pickjob ( | A pick job has been created. | GA (general available) |
PICK_JOB_PICKING_COMMENCED | Pickjob ( | A pick job is being picked. | GA (general available) |
PICK_JOB_PICKING_PAUSED | Pickjob ( | A pick job has been paused. | GA (general available) |
PICK_JOB_PICKING_FINISHED | Pickjob ( | A pick job was finished. | GA (general available) |
PICK_JOB_PICK_LINE_PICKED | Pickjob ( | A pick line of a pick job has been picked. | GA (general available) |
PICK_JOB_REROUTED | Pickjob ( | A pick job has been rerouted to another facility. | GA (general available) |
PICK_JOB_RESET | Pickjob ( | A pick job has been reset. | GA (general available) |
PICK_JOB_ABORTED | Pickjob ( | A pick job has been aborted because nothing was picked. | GA (general available) |
PICK_JOB_CANCELED | Pickjob ( | A pick job has either been directly canceled or its order has been canceled. | GA (general available) |
PACK_JOB_CREATED | Packjob ( | A new pack job has been created. | GA (general available) |
PACK_JOB_UPDATED | Packjob ( | A pack job was updated. | GA (general available) |
PACK_JOB_CANCELED | Packjob ( | A packJob has either been directly canceled or its pickJob has been canceled. | GA (general available) |
PACK_JOB_CLOSED | Packjob ( | Packing of a PackJob has finished and it was set to CLOSED | GA (general available) |
HANDOVERJOB_CREATED | Handoverjob ( | A handover job has been created. | GA (general available) |
HANDOVERJOB_HANDED_OVER | Handoverjob ( | A handover job has been handed over. | GA (general available) |
HANDOVERJOB_REVERTED | Handoverjob ( | This event is published, when a handover job is set back to | GA (general available) |
HANDOVERJOB_CANCELED | Handoverjob ( | A handover job has been canceled. | GA (general available) |
PARCEL_CARRIER_REQUESTED | Parcel ( | FFT platform started processing of the parcel. | GA (general available) |
PARCEL_CARRIER_FAILED | Parcel ( | The label could not be created. | GA (general available) |
PARCEL_CARRIER_ACKNOWLEDGED | Parcel ( | The label was successfully created and the label can now be downloaded. | GA (general available) |
ITEM_RETURN_JOB_CREATED | ItemReturnJob ( | ItemReturnJob has been created. | GA (general available) |
ITEM_RETURN_JOB_UPDATED | ItemReturnJob ( | ItemReturnJob has been updated. | GA (general available) |
RETURN_CANCELED | Return ( | Return has been canceled. | GA (general available) |
RETURN_CLAIMED | Return ( | Return has been claimed. | GA (general available) |
RETURN_CLOSED | Return ( | Return has been closed. | GA (general available) |
RETURN_CREATED | Return ( | Return has been created. | GA (general available) |
RETURN_UPDATED | Return ( | Return has been updated. | GA (general available) |
SHIPMENT_CREATED | Shipment ( | Shipment has been created. | GA (general available) |
SHIPMENT_UPDATED | Shipment ( | Shipment has been updated. | GA (general available) |
USER_CREATED | User | A user has been created. | GA (general available) |
USER_UPDATED | User | A user has been updated. | GA (general available) |
USER_DELETED | User | A user has been deleted. | GA (general available) |
SERVICE_JOB_CREATED | ServiceJob | A serviceJob has been created | BETA |
SERVICE_JOB_FINISHED | ServiceJob | A serviceJob has been fnished | BETA |
REFUND_TRIGGERED | ItemReturn | A refund is triggered | BETA |
EXPIRY_ENTITY_CREATED | Expiry | An expiry was created. E.g. an order was supplied with a configured expiry. | GA |
EXPIRY_ENTITY_UPDATED | Expiry | Expiry has updated. You also get an event when the expiry has expired. | GA |
The list of available Events available can also be queried from the RESTful API using
(see https://fulfillmenttools.github.io/api-reference-ui/#/Core%20-%20Eventing/getEvents)
Example: Events during the fulfillment of an order
The following diagram depicts the typical events emitted during a exemplary fulfillment of an order from order routing, via a pick, pack and handover process including a potential return in the future.
You are missing an Event?
Please let us know - we are keen to understand your desire & add the event to our product!
Last updated