Substitute items
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Substitute items are items that can be picked if the originally ordered items are not available. A list of potential substitute items can be defined for each product on network level via API. If an item could not be picked successfully, and the configuration is active, users have the option to choose one (or more) substitute item(s).
Substitute items are connected via matching tenant article id with the originally requested item. They can be prioritized so that a more suitable candidate is offered to the user before less suitable ones are shown. If for a substitute item a corresponding listing exists, the stock of that listing is adjusted as soon as the task reaches end of picking.
Substitute items do not necessarily require an existing listing. As a result, unlisted products can also be picked as substitute items, for example, if the substitute item should not be available in general, but only as a substitute.
Picking substitute items is currently only available within the Operations Android App for single order picking.