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A listing is a product that is listed in a facility. The listings view shows all products that are listed in a facility including product information such as price and stock levels.
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The view shows all information such as title, price or attributes that was configured in the . The "Stock" column shows the total value of that is currently present for that item in the facility. This value is described as . The "Reserved" columns shows the number of that was accepted for the item in the facility excluding reservations on expected stock.
When clicking on the arrow on the right, the detail page of the corresponding item is opened. The listing detail page is divided into sections, offering information on both product data and inventory data.
Users can configure whether it should be allowed to manually change stock levels in the settings of the Network view.
The future stock movements graph shows the development of stock that will be available for picking in the future. The table on the right provides more details into the events that triggered the respective change in stock levels. Stock levels can change due to:
Delivery of goods: A purchase order was created meaning stock is expected to be delivered for the respective product.
Stock expires: Stocks have exceeded the date by which they are to be sold (availableUntil date).
If there are no deliveries of goods announced for the future and no products are going to expire in the future no data will be displayed in the card.
The graph does not estimate future sales or other stock movements that systems are not yet aware of.
The header displays the product name, sub-title (if configured in ), and the product ID. Below, availability cards give insights on the of the product. The listing information card shows all entries stored in the listing attributes as well as the price of the listing.
The storage location card is only shown if storage locations are activated on the tenant. The card shows all storage locations on which the respective product is located in the facility. It provides further details on the stored amount of items, reservations, , and the of the location. The stock on each location can be edited via the three-dot menu. Storage location information can be edited on the storage location view which is accessible via the link on the storage location name.
The stock information card is only shown if if storage locations are deactivated on the tenant or if there is stock in the facility that is not assigned to a storage location. The card provides further details on the amount of items, reservations, , and the of the stock. The stock value can be edited via the three-dot menu.
The "Reserved" column shows the number of accepted for the item in the facility. This means reservations for all orders that were assigned to the facility for fulfillment are shown, including reservations on that has not arrived in the facility yet.