

In the picking section, users can pick items for an order within a facility. Our platform currently allows the following picking methods:

Functionalities within Picking


The App shows a list of all tasks and their states, primarily grouped by status. Within each group, tasks are secondarily sorted based on order date, oldest order date date first.

Clicking on a task shows all ordered items of that task including the respective amount. Within the screen that shows all items as well as the one that shows the picking summary, a subtitle is generated based on available attributes for each item if no dedicated subtitle is present.

It is possible to configure scanning rules, like the validation of barcodes or usage of manual input picker.

Picking sequence

It is possible to sort the pick lines in a picking sequence (number from 1 to n), which represent the physical location of the ordered item in the picking area. If storage locations are activated on the tenant, the running sequence of the locations is used. Additionally, the picking sequence can be defined in the listing and in the order. If more than one listing / order line has the same picking sequence, the listings which have the same sequence number are sorted by their tenant article ID.

Product attributes in the product detail view

Apart from the “%%subtitle%%” key, only attributes that are supplied with they key “category” and the value “descriptive” are displayed.

If no such attributes are defined (and no subtitle is provided either), the view remains empty.

Pause a picking task

Within the picking process itself, the user is able to pause picking a task. This is important to be flexible if an offline customer needs attention. Additionally, he is of course also able to resume a previously paused task so that he can continue picking from the point when the task was stopped.

Load units

In case loadUnits (containers in which the picked items will be put, e.g., bags, boxes, parcels) were defined within the tenant system, the amount of such load units that were used during the picking process can be specified before end of pick.

Short identifier

In order to identify a task more easily, a so-called short identifier is added as well. This identifier is generated based on the first letter of the customers first & last name as well as an incrementing number for each other occurrence of such a customer. This number can have a maximum of two digits (e.g., 99). As soon as this number has been reached, it will start with 1 again. The generated identifier is facility-specified, e.g. it is not unique tenant-wide like an order id.

Example: The identifier for a task that belongs to an order of Jane Doe would be called JD1, assuming that no other customer in this facility that has a first name starting with a J as well as a last name starting with a D exists.

This identifier is also available within the labeling as well as the handover section. An exemplary use case would be that a fulfiller uses this identifier to locate a chosen parcel that belongs to a task by writing this identifier on that parcel using a pen.

Notifications in the Android App

When a new pick job is incoming the user gets a notification so that the app must not be checked within certain timespans.

The notification is related to the chosen facility the user has currently chosen in the app. If no facility is chosen, no notification will be sent. Furthermore the user must be logged in into our app to receive a notification. The mobile phone however can be screen locked. Clicking on the notification leads the user to the list of pick jobs.

With this we make sure, that one gets not flooded by notification.

The notification feature is configurable within the app settings. The sound notification as well as the banner notification can be turned on and off. The settings are saved on the device for now.



How to pick?

Open Pick section

Select Order that you would like to pick, by clicking on it

Search for articles and collect these

Pick each collected item item by either scanning or manually adding the picked amount


Scan the Barcodes of each item by pressing the Scan button on the display of your smartphone or by using the scan button on the side of your scanner.

Adding the quantities manually

In case you can not scan a barcode or don´t want to do so, you can also select one item by clicking on it and add the quantity manually with the amount handler and saving the amount.

After having picked all available items you can finish the Order/ Pickjob by sliding the complete button to the right.

How can a dedicated subtitle for a product be specified?

Each attribute has a “key” parameter. In order to define a dedicated subtitle, the “key” parameter has to be set to “%%subtitle%%”.

How can a picking task be aborted/cancelled?

In case a picking task must be aborted because it can’t be fulfilled in any facility, this can be directly done in the picking task.

  1. Open the picking task which must be aborted. Do not pick any items so that every line item has picked amount of 0/0.

    Now click “Complete”.

  1. The “Picking finished?” dialog asks you to confirm that you complete the task with 0 picked items. Tick off the checkbox to confirm and click “Yes, complete picking”.

  1. You will be informed that the picking task has been aborted and now you can proceed to the next task.

When are further attributes shown in the item view?

Apart from the “%%subtitle%%” key, only attributes which are defined with they key “category” and the value “descriptive” are displayed in the item view.

If no such attributes are defined (and no subtitle is provided either), the view remains empty.

How to pick substitute items?

Open the task and start picking the ordered items

Pick all available items

Whenever the originally ordered product is not available, you have the possibility to switch to the substitute options by pressing the

Click on “Select substitute item”

Select from the available substitute articles and insert the correct/ available quantity

Confirm substitute pick by clicking on “Close

Complete the picking process or continue your normal picking process

Picking with forced scanning

How to pick from storage locations with forced scanning (location first, item second)?

  1. Open Pick section

  2. Select Order that you would like to pick, by clicking on it

  1. Search for articles based on the displayed storage location. Depending on your configuration either first scan the item or the storage location. The following example will be based on storage location first and items second.

  1. Scan the Barcodes of each location by pressing the Scan button on the display of your smartphone or by using the scan button on the side of your scanner and wait for green confirmation "Location scanned successfully"

  1. Scanning is mandatory means you need to scan all items! Scan the Barcodes of each item by pressing the Scan button on the display of your smartphone or by using the scan button on the side of your scanner

  1. Move to next item of the orderline and repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have completed the pick

  1. After having picked all available items you can finish the pick by pressing the finish button

  1. After finishing you will be lead to the pickjob overview, where the status of your picked order is shown as done (green), or to the packjob overview - depending on your selection

How to pick in case of forced barcode scanning?

If forced barcode scanning is configured it means, that it is mandatory to scan the items, that have to be picked.

The picking process its self is similar to the normal picking. (Look: Android App & Web App: How to pick articles)

The only difference is, that in case of an non scanned barcode, the app sends you a warning:

Picking with load units

How to pick items and add them to load units?
  1. Scan the picked item

  1. Scan the load unit in which you have placed the item

How to store load units in storage locations?

Scan the load unit, then scan the location where you store the load unit.

Batch and multi order picking

How to pick tasks in batch?

All orders that can be picked in a batch-pick are - marked with a checkbox. This needs to be activated via API first. Click on all the orders that you would like to pick in one batch-run.

  • Click on “Tasks selected” to jump into the Picking UI

  • You can now pick by scanning or manually inserting the picked quantities. In the webapp you can additionally press “Print List” if you are picking e.g. with a POS device to print out the picking List, pick the items and enter or scan the amounts in the web app

  • Click on an item to enter the picked amount. Its possible to click on the “+” sign or enter the picked amount manually

  • When you are done with picking click on “complete and to packing” to move to the packing steps

  • Select the orders for packing

How to select multiple tasks and create an pick run?
  1. Select all tasks

  1. Prepare your picking trolley and start the pickrun.

Picking with weighted goods

How to pick weighted goods with one measurement unit?

There are different cases for a consumer to order weighted goods. This How To show´s the example of the case, when a consumer orders weighted goods in form of weight (1500g pears)

Start the pickjob as usual

When you need to pick an weighted item, first weight the item and then enter the weighted amount into the app

Press "OK" when you are done

How to pick weighted goods with two measurement units?

This How To shows the example of the case, when a consumer orders weighted goods, that are ordered in pieces, but need to be weighted as well to define the price. (2 Watermelons)

Start the pickjob as usual

Collect the amount of the item that are ordered. Afterwards enter the weighted amount and click on OK

Example for configured tolerances - hard tolerance

This How To shows the example of the case, when a consumer orders weighted goods in form of weight (1500g pears) with hard tolerance configured. In this case a hard tolerance for overweight is set with 20%.

Start the pickjob as usual

Collect as much of the ordered item as is shown in the order. When you are about to enter the amount of weight, you can already see the max. tolerance rate (1200g in this case)

When you enter a weight over the max. tolerance rate. You will not be able to pick that amount of weight. The amount is shown in red and the “Save” button is greyed out and not able to be pushed.

Take less amount and try to stay in the tolerance range

Click on “Save” and continue with the picking process

Example for configured tolerances - soft tolerance

This How To shows the example of the case, when a consumer orders weighted goods in form of weight (1500g pears) with soft tolerance configured. In this case a hard tolerance for underweight is set with 20%

Start the pickjob as usual.

Collect as much of the ordered item as is shown in the order. In this example we could just pick 700g instead of 1000g because we were out of stock. Enter the 700g that have been picked

In case of a soft tolerance you will get a notification about the missing amounts, that you need to confirm.

When you are finished with picking, you have to confirm again, that the missing amounts, are correct. Click on “Yes, complete picking” to finish the process

Last updated