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The return view gives an overview over all returns that were created via the Returns app along with relevant information. Users can also perform actions such as accepting or rejecting items.
More information can be found under .
This view can be enabled in the via API.
When an is created via the Returns app, it is visible as a new entry in the returns section in the Backoffice.
Each entry contains information about the ItemReturn:
Customer information
Return creation date
Return ID
Order ID
Returned items
Furthermore, additional information entered while creating a new ItemReturn (such as comments) is displayed here. The information is shown upon hovering over the paper clip icon.
Users can use the search to find ItemReturns by:
Return ID
Order ID
Customer name
Item ID
Item title
Two filters that can be used in conjunction with the search:
Return status
In progress
Item status
In progress
Waiting for input
Each item within an ItemReturn can be updated to a different status.
Accepted items can be rejected.
Rejected items can be accepted.
Items with the status waiting_for_input
can be either accepted or rejected.
Our systems are not directly connected to any payment providers or accounting softwares. Therefore, triggering a refund must be managed within external systems to process the actual refund for the customer. If you would like to discuss options for integrating our refund triggers with your system, please contact our team.
A refund can be triggered for each ItemReturn. Only items that are accepted can be selected for a refund. For each item, either a specific amount or a percentage can be selected for refund.
Only the price and currency provided in the order can be displayed when making a refund. If this information is not available, no refund amount or currency will be shown. The price and currency information for the ItemReturn can be updated via API.
The items that should be selected for refund need to be checked via the boxes. Clicking "Start refund" at the bottom of the page will send out an event, allowing to process the refund within external systems. Additionally, the item's status is set to "refund triggered".
can be put into another status