Backup policies

As a SaaS solution fulfillmenttools takes care of backups of your data - you do not need to do anything. The following information should give you a first idea of how backups are being taken.

Regular Backups

We are imposing a policy that takes backups:

  • hourly (every hour of a day, 24/7)

  • daily

  • weekly

  • monthly

By default, all of the above backup cycles are in place. The retention times, however (basically how long the backups are stored & restorable) vary. The backups are saved by default to the GCP zone europe-west1 with the option to duplicate them in another zone if desired (see available regions).

Point-in-time recovery (PITR)

In addition to regular backups, we also provide a point-in-time Recovery mechanism that can be used to "go back in time" and is even more flexible when it comes to restoring backup data at a specific date in the past.

Last updated