Parcel tag configuration

In the parcel tag configuration, a specific return address can be defined per return via tags. There could be the case, that multiple alternative return addresses are chosen via tags. In this case, the alternative return addresses is chosen upon sorting the results by tagRef.

1. Create the needed tag and value

Create a new tag or use an existing tag.

2. Create a Parcel Tag Configuration

When the tag is available, the tag configuration can be created which will carry information about the new return address.

The configuration can be set with a PUT request send to the parcel tags configurations endpoint with a payload looking like this:

PUT request send to the parcel tags configurations endpoint
curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
--data '{
    "version": 4,
    "alternativeReturnAddressConfiguration": {
        "alternativeReturnAddressPerTag": [
                "tagRef": "ALTERNATIVE_RETURN_ADDRESS",
                "matchingValues": [
                "alternativeReturnAddress": {
                    "city": "Hamburg",
                    "houseNumber": "1",
                    "postalCode": "12345",
                    "street": "Hamburger Str.",
                    "country": "DE",
                    "companyName": "SenderInc",
                    "phoneNumbers": [
                            "value": "040-558558",
                            "label": "private",
                            "type": "LANDLINE"
                            "value": "0171-55555555",
                            "label": "private",
                            "type": "MOBILE"

The platform then should respond with a 200 OK response containing the information provided with the creation and last modified timestamp added.

3. Create an order with the tag

With the order, the now configured tag can be set. The tag works only when the tag is set on the order itself, not when it's on order line items.

Create an order with the tag
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
--data-raw '{
    "orderDate": "2021-03-11T08:16:07.000Z",
    "tags": [
            "value": "END_OF_LIFE"
    "consumer": {
        "email": "",
        "addresses": [
                "street": "Schanzenstr.",
                "houseNumber": "30",
                "postalCode": "51063",
                "city": "Köln",
                "country": "DE",
                "phoneNumbers": [
                        "value": "0177-555-6273",
                        "label": "private",
                        "type": "MOBILE"
                "additionalAddressInfo": "3. Etage",
                "salutation": "Herr",
                "firstName": "Ulf",
                "lastName": "Steinke"
    "tenantOrderId": "FC-4711-2361",
    "status": "OPEN",
    "orderLineItems": [
            "article": {
                "tenantArticleId": "2020249",
                "title": "T-Shirt \"Am Sonnenhut\"",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "attributes": [
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 100,
                        "key": "%%subtitle%%",
                        "value": "Neu!"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 200,
                        "key": "Mitgliederpreis",
                        "value": "17,96 EUR"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 300,
                        "key": "Schnitt",
                        "value": "Frauen"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 400,
                        "key": "Material",
                        "value": "100% Baumwolle"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 500,
                        "key": "Artikelnummer",
                        "value": "2020249"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 600,
                        "key": "Größe",
                        "value": "S"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 700,
                        "key": "Beschreibung",
                        "value": "Rotes T-Shirt mit weißen Streifen an den Ärmeln, Blockdruck mit Schriftzug auf der Brust"
            "quantity": 2,
            "scannableCodes": [
            "article": {
                "tenantArticleId": "2010681",
                "title": "Steppjacke \"Mühlenbach\"",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "attributes": [
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 100,
                        "key": "%%subtitle%%",
                        "value": "Neu!"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 200,
                        "key": "Größe",
                        "value": "L"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 300,
                        "key": "Oberstoff",
                        "value": "100% Polyester"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 400,
                        "key": "Futter",
                        "value": "100% Polyester"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 500,
                        "key": "Füllung",
                        "value": "100% Polyester"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 600,
                        "key": "Beschreibung",
                        "value": "Dreifarbige Steppjacke mit verstaubarer Kapuze, Zwei Eingriffstaschen, Gesticktes Logo auf der Brust"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 700,
                        "key": "Artikelnummer",
                        "value": "2010681"
            "quantity": 4,
            "scannableCodes": [
            "article": {
                "tenantArticleId": "5020064",
                "title": "Wandtattoo Stadion",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "attributes": [
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 100,
                        "key": "Maße",
                        "value": "70 x 50 cm"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 200,
                        "key": "Beschreibung",
                        "value": "Wandtattoo in Ziegelwand-Optik, Mit tollem Blick aufs Stadion"
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 300,
                        "key": "Anwendung",
                        "value": "Für die Beklebung sollte die Fläche staub- und fetfrei sein. Bringen Sie den Aufkleber in Position und reiben Sie diese gleichmäßig mit der flachen Hand an den Untergrund, um sie zu fixieren. Jede Stelle nochmals gest andrücken. Fertig! Für auftretende Schäden nach der Verklebung auf dem Untergrund etc. ist eine Haftung ausgeschlossen."
                        "category": "descriptive",
                        "priority": 400,
                        "key": "Artikelnummer",
                        "value": "5020064"
            "quantity": 2,
            "scannableCodes": [

4. Create a shipping label

When a shipping label is created a corresponding return label is created at the same time (if activated at all). The return label then carries the new return address which is given with the tag.

Last updated