Stow jobs represent the intention or instruction to change the storage location and/or the amount of stock in a facility. While the stow job itself holds general information such as the facility or priority of the job, the stow line item contains information on the items to be moved, their quantity, location, and more. Stow line items cannot exist without a stow job.
A step by step implementation guide can be found under . More StowJob-API information can be found here: REST API documentation - Stow Jobs
Create a stow job
This page describes how to create stow job for relocating items between locations. For other use cases, please refer to the .
To create a stowJob, do the following POST call with the JSON body:
"facilityRef": "YOUR_FACILITY_REF",
"priority": 0,
"shortId": "YOUR_SHORT_ID",
"status": "OPEN",
"stowLineItems": [
"article": {
"tenantArticleId": "string"
// if you already defined a listing for this article you can reference it by providing only the tenantArticleId
// the remaining attributes will be taken from the listing but you can override certain attributes by providing them here
"stowTo": [ // If the taken items should be put on different locations, mulitple stowTo objects can be defined.
"quantity": 2,
"storageLocationRef": "YOUR_STORAGE_LOCATION_REF",
"type": "LOCATION"
"takeFrom": {
"quantity": 2
"storageLocationRef": "YOUR_STORAGE_LOCATION_REF",
"type": "LOCATION"
"targetTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
If the request is successful, we receive a 201 CREATED response with a body like this: