More Stock-API information can be found here: REST API documentation - Stock
Create stock
To create stock, create a facility first, stock are always related to a specific facility.
To create stock, just use the stocks endpoint and POST the amount of stock for each article for each facility:
After creating the stock, we receive a 201 CREATED
Besides some other properties, you might have noticed reserved
and facilityWideReserved
. When there is a PickJob inside the facility which needs this stock or this article in the facility, the stock will be reserved until it is picked. When the item is picked, the reservation will be removed and the amount of stock will be decreased.
Deleting stock by product / location / id in batch
To delete stocks by product, location or idm use the actions-endpoint of our API:
For deleting all stocks for a product in a facility, use the
actionFor deleting all stocks on a storage location in a facility, use the
actionFor deleting multiple stocks in a facility in one call, use the
Move stock to location
To move stock to a location, use the action MOVE_TO_LOCATION
Note: In the options
of the action the deleteFromStockIfZero
is available. If this is set to true
, the stock on the start location is deleted when value reaches 0, after move action was completed (even when the KEEP_ON_ZERO
trait is active on the respective location).
Create safety stock
The PUT safetyStock endpoint lets us create the safety stock in a bulk operation:
status code indicates success, the payload shows the status for each entity:
Last updated