Place your first order

After you successfully added a listing and your first facility, it is time to learn how to place an order which you the pickers in the facility can fulfill.


Replace with


JWT from Identity provider


Place the order

To place an order, we need some information coming from your system. For more details which information we need and which can be added, see our REST API documentation for adding orders.

Lets make the API call:

curl -sSL -X POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "consumer": {
    "addresses": [
        "city": "München",
        "country": "DE",
        "houseNumber": "1",
        "postalCode": "80802",
        "street": "Biedersteiner Str.",
        "firstName": "Charlie",
        "lastName": "Bucket",
        "salutation": "Herr"
    "email": ""
  "orderDate": "2020-08-22T08:45:50.525Z",
  "orderLineItems": [
      "article": {
        "tenantArticleId": "4892",
        "title": "Wonkas Chocolate Bar"
      "quantity": 1
  "status": "OPEN",
  "tenantOrderId": "R456728546"

If the request was successful, you'll receive a 201 CREATED response containing the order item. Very important is the orderId property as this is needed for further requests on that order.

    "consumer": {
        "addresses": [
                "city": "München",
                "country": "DE",
                "houseNumber": "1",
                "postalCode": "80802",
                "street": "Biedersteiner Str.",
                "firstName": "Charlie",
                "lastName": "Bucket",
                "salutation": "Herr"
        "email": ""
    "orderDate": "2020-08-22T08:45:50.525Z",
    "orderLineItems": [
            "article": {
                "tenantArticleId": "4892",
                "title": "Wonkas Chocolate Bar"
            "quantity": 1,
            "id": "ae204050-009e-48a1-9438-0d809df151dc"
    "status": "OPEN",
    "tenantOrderId": "R456728546",
    "deliveryPreferences": {
        "shipping": {
            "serviceLevel": "DELIVERY"
    "id": "1f979dc1-1a69-45e0-bb25-f8f57e6ede6f",
    "tags": [],
    "processId": "c31bdf12-6f90-4e27-ba26-ad7351e8a897",
    "created": "2023-08-22T13:28:13.178Z",
    "lastModified": "2023-08-22T13:28:13.178Z",
    "schemaVersion": 1,
    "version": 1


It is only possible to place an order with a duplicated tenantOrderId if the previous orders are not in the status OPEN, LOCKED, or PROMISED. Otherwise, your order creation request will be denied.

If you want to reuse a tenantOrderId and the previous order is in the status OPEN, LOCKED, or PROMISED, you must cancel the previous order first.

Last updated