Load Units

Configure load unit types like cartons, bags, boxes.

It is possible to use load units within the picking process. Load units can be any kind of custom items which complement the picked task, such as bags, boxes, vouchers, or any kind of goodies / information that the picker should get once the picking process is finished. For each custom item, the amount of such an item can be specified.

This information is later used in the handover process where we make sure, that all load units were handed over and nothing is left behind.

Load unit types can be defined via API, each with a name, a picture and a priority. They are then available tenant-wide and displayed at the end of the picking process in our Android app, sorted by the specified priority (lowest comes first).

Creating a Load Unit Type

While the load unit entity captures the information for a particular pick job, the load unit type entity is the configuration object. So the typical task is to create the load unit types that you want to use in your picking process - here's an example:

curl -sSL -X POST 'https://your.api.fulfillmenttools.com/api/loadunittypes' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "nameLocalized": {
                "de_DE": "Papiertasche",
                "en_US": "Paperbag",
                "pl_PL": "Torba papierowa"
    "priority": 1

To update/modify an existing load unit type, use the corresponding PATCH call:

curl -sSL -X PATCH 'https://your.api.fulfillmenttools.com/api/loadunittypes/:loadUnitTypeId' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "version": 3,
    "actions": [
            "action": "ModifyLoadUnitType",
            "priority": 2

See our API specification for details.

All defined load unit types will be immediately be displayed for selection in the picking process. If there are no load unit types defined, this step is skipped in the app.

Once a load unit type has been defined, it cannot be deleted via the API (yet). Please contact us if you require assistance in this scenario.

Adding an Icon to a Load Unit Type

You can (and should) add an icon to the load unit type definition so that is displayed nicely in the Android app and the picker knows which bag, box, etc. to choose.

The image file needs to be base64 encoded in the HTTP request:

curl -sSL -X PUT 'https://your.api.fulfillmenttools.com/api/loadunittypes/:loadUnitTypeId/icon' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer ' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "name": "paperbag.png",
    "content": "==base64-encoded content=="

See our API specification for details.

Last updated