Scanning configuration

For more technical information, see also Scanning Configuration

The scanning of items and the behavior in our Android client is configurable.

The scanning rules can be defined for listings or in general.

For line items within the order / picking task it is possible to set each scanning type individually.

It is also possible to skip scanning rules completely with certain roles (Administrator, Supervisor). This must be configured first and is per default not active.

There are currently the following configurations available:


Variables / Values




Default if not defined otherwise

When scanning, it is checked if the scanned barcode matches the delivered scannable codes.

If it matches:

  • The snackbar (scan was successful) is shown

  • Picked amount is increased

If is doesn’t match:

  • The snackbar (scan not successful) is shown

  • Picked amount is not increased



When scanning, it is not checked if the scanned barcode matches the delivered scannable codes.

Every scan (in the picking detail view) of any barcode results in:

  • Increasing the picked amount by 1

  • No snackbar (scan successful or not) is shown



Before being able to manually increase the picked amount in the client, a scan of the item must be performed.

Otherwise it is not possible to use the + and - buttons to change the picked amount of the item.



Default if not defined otherwise

It is possible to use the + and - buttons to change the picked amount of the item without scanning the item beforehand.



Each item must be scanned individually and can't be picked manually.



{"scanningRuleType": "ARTICLE", "priority": 0}


{"scanningRuleType": "LOCATION", "priority": 0}


{"scanningRuleType": "ARTICLE", "priority": 0}{"scanningRuleType": "LOCATION", "priority": 1}

Configure which scannable codes should be scanned in which priority

  • Set via picking configs, then it’s a tenant wide configurations

  • Set via facility: overrules picking config and rule applies only for this specific facility

  • Set via listing: overrules picking and facility config and applies only for this specific listingConfigure which scannable codes should be scanned in which priority (lowest must be scanned first)

    If the "LOCATION ONLY" option is selected, the storage locations must be designated as "Single Storage Location" and should exclusively contain one type of product. Otherwise, scanning the location for picking purposes may not yield successful results.



When this configuration is set, the scanning rules are skipped entirely for those user roles. This means that a Supervisor or Administrator is able to pick items without scanning at all by using the manual input option while picking.

Additional information:

  • If the scanningRule is not specified, the default rule is set to "ARTICLE ONLY."

  • If both MUST_SCAN_EACH and "ARTICLE" are selected, and the scanning option "LOCATION" is chosen, the location must be scanned only once, while the article can be scanned multiple times for the specified item as needed.

  • If either MUST_SCAN_FIRST or MUST_SCAN_EACH is active, and the scanning option is set to "LOCATION ONLY," each scan of the location contributes to the cumulative total of the chosen amount.

Last updated