Order Overview

Explanation of default Fallbacks for different information:

  • Order type - Fallback for the #1. Pickjob, #2: Shipments

  • Consumer name - Fallback #1 Pickjob, #2: Shipments

  • Consumer address: Fallback #1 Shipment, #2: Pickjob

  • Ordered Items - Fallback 1#:Pickjob(s), (Fallback 2#: Shipments - not yet available)

  • Order timestamp - Fallback #1: Pickjob, (Fallback 2#: Shipments - not yet available)

  • Order ID - Fallback #1: Shipments (here it's mandatory), Fallback #2: Pickjob (not mandatory)

  • If no info is present (no fallback available etc.) the column is empty

Special case "consumer address"

We allow the situation where a C&C order generates a SFS Pickjob, which will be shipped to the C&C-Facility the consumer selected. In order to show the correct address here and not the facility address we do not use a fallback and just look at the order information

The order overview must handle a high amount of entries. Therefore we implement a variety of filters like:

  • Timespan

    • looking on the order date

  • Facilities

    • in which facility does the fulfillment take place?

  • Facility Countries

    • in which country does the fulfillment take place?

  • Delivery Countries

    • in which country is the delivery address?

  • Type

    • Looking on the Order-Type (Collect /Shipment)

  • Process Status

    • looking on the aggregated status of the process

  • "Completion by"

    • at what time should the pickjob be ready

  • Brands

    • looking on orders containing an item from a specific brand

Additionally you can directly search for an Order ID.

Order Status

In the order overview you can check the status of each order.

In the following you can see the different status:

The order has not been picked, no label was requested and the order has not been handed over - All buttons are red

The order has been picked - Picking button is green, the others are still open

The order has been picked, the label was requested and the parcel was handed over to the carrier - all buttons are green

How to trigger a new DOMS decision?
  1. Select Network view

  2. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  3. Expand the order you would would like to trigger a new routing decision for

  4. Click on the three dots and click on Reroute task (only possible if picking has not started)

  5. A new routing will be triggered for the selected Pickjob to find the ideal location of fulfillment

How to assign order to another facility?
  1. Select "Network View"

  2. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  3. Click on the order that you would like to assign to a different store (only possible if picking has not started)

  4. Select the store

  5. The order will arrive as a new task in the selected store

How to cancel an order? (only possible for pickjobs that have not started yet)
  1. Select “Network View”

  2. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  3. Select the order you would like to cancel

  4. Click on the button “Cancel order”

  5. You will be asked if you really want to cancel the order. If yes, click on “Cancel order”. The order will be marked as canceled and will disappear in the picking app

How to change the delivery address?
  1. Select “Network View”

  2. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  3. Select the order and select “Change delivery address”

How to check the order status?
  1. Select “Network View”

  2. Select “Network View”

  3. Click on “Orders” and you will arrive in the order overview

  4. Open up the order task and check status (red = not started, green = done)

How to add an order with an item from a specific brand

The filter for brands just appears if there is an order with an item which is descriptions contains a brand.

A brand can be added to an orderline by adding an attribute with the category "miscellaneous" the key "BRAND" and with a value naming the brand (like in the following example).

// Some code```postman_json
 "orderLineItems": [
            "article": {
                "tenantArticleId": "item4711",
                "title": "Name of the item",
                "imageUrl": "https://example.com/abcd.jpg?tx=w_600,h_600",
                "attributes": [
                        "category": "miscellaneous",
                        "key": "BRAND",
                        "value": "Adidas"
            "quantity": 2,
            "scannableCodes": [

Last updated