Stock Overview


The Stock Overview page makes it possible to easily identify the current network stock: The availability of a specific product (or products) across locations and facilities can be clarified.

The URL consists of:


On opening the page, a product can be selected via auto-complete in search:

Once the product is selected, all relevant information about the product can be found in this view.


In the main section, the following information is shown, from top to bottom:

Product information

Basic (not location-specific) information about the product.

Filter section

It is possible to filter locations by:

  • name

  • status

  • service type

Only matching locations will be displayed in the section below.

Stock availabilities

Provides information on stock availability of the selected product on facility and network level (including all stores, warehouses, etc.). For more information on inventory availability concepts please refer to Availability.

The following information is displayed on the page:

  • Expected: Shows amount of expected stock, i.e., that is expected to arrive based on deliveries of goods, production, transfers from other facilities, etc. By clicking on the number of expected stock per facility, an overview of all expected deliveries including quantities and dates is shown.

  • On hand: amount of total stock that is physically present in a facility

  • Available on stock (AOS): amount of stock that is available to be sold

  • Available for Picking (AFP): amount of stock that is available to be sold and is also placed on a pickable location. For more information please refer to Inventory Traits.

  • Not available: Sum of stocks that is not available to be sold. By clicking on the the number per facility, reasons for the non-availability of the stocks can be redeemed. Reasons include:

    • Reserved: amount of stock that is reserved based on orders received

    • Safety Stock: Shows amount of stock that is reserved for offline sales in stores. Safety stock can be configured on facility level by clicking on the three-dot menu on the right. For more information, please refer to Safety Stock.

    • Blocked: amount of stock that is stored on locked locations. Locations might be locked due to, e.g., water damage, infestion, or similar.

Similar products (optional)

A section where similar products (by name) are listed.

How to edit safety stock?

Safety stock can be configured on facility level by clicking on the three-dot menu on the right. Safety stock can be defined on facility level. It work as a buffer for offline sales to ensure that online sales do not cannibalize offline sales. If the safety stock is reached within a facility, the facility is not considered for routing any more so that no online orders are accepted to be fulfilled from this facility. Users can configure a different safety stock quantity for each listing.

Last updated