Inbound Process


An inbound process maps all processes around incoming goods in a store or warehouse. This can include delivery of goods but also interfacility transfers, returns or similar processes. As of now, inbound processes can only be triggered through a purchase order. > Is this correct? Whenever a purchaseOrder or a receipt is created, a corresponding inboundProcess is automatically created as well.

An overview of all inbound process can be found in the inbound view or in the inventory app. Incoming goods can be accepted via the inbound section of our inventory app. The event of checking and accepting incoming goods is represented via Receipts.


The inbound process has sub-entities, which can be created and modified as part of the inbound process, or alternatively via their own API.

Purchase Order

A purchase order is issued when new stock is ordered for a store or warehouse. It includes the following information (only not self-explanatory information is listed below):

  • orderDate: Date when the order was placed

  • requestedDate: Date when the order is expected to arrive

  • requestedItems: information on IDs and quantities of ordered products

  • cancelled: If no further deliveries are expected, a purchaseOrder can be cancelled by an admin via Backoffice or via API. This is also possible, if several items have already been accepted.

  • supplier: information on supplier of delivery (name)


After a goods receipt was performed and goods have been accepted, a receipt is issued that adds the stock to the facility. It includes the following information (only not self-explanatory information is listed below):

  • receivedDate: Daten when the order was accepted in the facility

  • receivedItems: For each product that was announced via purchaseOrder the following information can be provided:

    • acceptedQuantity: how much was accepted

    • rejectedQuantity: how much was rejected (due to being, e.g., broken). Attention: rejectedItems are not a subset of acceptedItems.

    • comments: information relevant for that specific lineItem

    • storageLocationRef: the storage location on which the product was placed

    • stockProperties: information specific to that lineItem such as expiry date or batch number

  • comments: information relevant for that specific delivery

  • status: If a goods receipt has been started via inventory app, the status of the receipt changes to IN_PROGRESS and then to FINISHEDafter the process was completed in the app.


The inboundProcess itself as well as its sub-entities can have different status. Our clients show the status that are most relevant to the user in the inbound view and in the inventory app.



Delivery has not arrived yet



Items in the delivery were missing



All items that were announced via purchase order have arrived (either as accepted or rejected quantity) or purchase order was cancelled.



Inbound process should be paused for now. Can be set manually via Backoffice or via API.



No further deliveries are expected. No real status, can be either true or false. Can be set manually via Backoffice or via API.



No functional meaning



Goods receipt for (one part of the) delivery has been started (via inventory app)



Goods receipt for (one part of the) delivery has been finished (via inventory app)


Api Documentation

Inbound Process

Purchase Order


Last updated