November 2024
Last updated
Last updated
The new listing overview offers the option to visit a detail page for each listing by clicking on the arrow on the right. The new detail views give insights into important stock availability values, product information, and storage locations or stocks for the listing. In addition, users can edit stock on this page if the respective setting is active.
More information can be found under .
It is possible that stock is delivered to a facility in a defective state or that it gets damaged during storage. In such instances, it is advisable to label the stock accordingly and make it unavailable for sale. This option is provided by the new 'condition' field on the stock.
Users can decide whether it should be allowed to modify stock levels in the Backoffice. While this configuration was previously only applied to the listing view, storage locations are affected now as well. If modifying stock is disallowed, it is not possible to add stock to storage locations or change the existing stock on locations.
Search and filter
A new search and filter function for packing and handover tasks allows users to find specific tasks, such as the last task processed or a task from a particular customer.
Optimised design in the picking view
In the new picking view, items can now be edited directly in the list view. The item card now contains more attributes and can be expand or collapse to see more or less attributes, as desired. Users can also enlarge the image by clicking on it.
If you want to use the new picking view, please get in contact with us.
The new update enables partial hand over of items to a customer as part of Click & Collect. Customers who also use the fulfillmenttools Returns App now have a direct link to the Returns App.
Download the new update from the Google Play Store.
We introduce the ability to manage and allocate carrier capacity at a granular level for a facility and its carrier pickup time. This ensures that carriers’ truck loading constraints are respected while routing orders effectively.
If rejected items are accepted during goods , this stock is automatically marked as defective and labelled as not pickable and not accessible.
More information can be found under .
Traits provide information on how and are to be handled in operational and order processes. Previously, traits could only be set on storage locations and were inherited to stocks. As part of the latest releases, traits can also be set explicitly on stock. This allows users who do not use storage locations, to mark stock as not accessible or not pickable and therefore, exclude it from order routing. Traits on stocks overwrite the default traits and the traits set on the storage location.
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More information can be found under .
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