OK - Available regions
Our service is hosted with the Google Cloud Platform. We leverage products that are located in different geographical regions. The customer can choose from a deployment in one of the following regions.
Your desired region is not part of the list?
Not to worry, please inquire if there is the need for specific not listed region.
Region | Name of Region |
europe-west1 | St. Ghislain, Belgium (default, if no region is preferred) |
europe-west3 | Frankfurt, Germany |
europe-west4 | Netherlands |
europe-north1 | Finland |
us-east1 | South Carolina, United States |
us-east4 | North Virginia, United States |
us-central1 | Iowa, United States |
us-west1 | Oregon, United States |
asia-east1 | Taiwan |
asia-northeast1 | Tokyo, Japan |
asia-southeast1 | Singapore |
Last updated