Integration Tutorial
Hello and a warm welcome to this tutorial aiming to give you an understanding of how you can integrate the fulfillmenttools platform into your system environment. In the following pages we will describe the case of a fictional fashion retail company which wants to use the fulfillmenttools platform. In the following set of articles you will learn how to set up your tenant, configure it and eventually get inspired on how your integration might look like.
Our company is focused on selling fashion for style-conscious 25-35 year old adults who now found their place in the world and feel the need for a good clothing style. Their customers have finished studying and have started their first full-time jobs and now look for a style that can fit them for some years. They therefore don't want to follow the latest fashion trends while still being stylish.
At the moment, online orders are only fulfilled by the warehouses the company operates. If ordered items are not available, customers either have to wait for the distributor to send that item to the warehouse, or customer service has to cancel this order line. This is a result of not knowing their global inventory levels, as no ATP (Available to Promise) is provided to the online shop. Additionally, by only operating in three countries, the shipping costs for small orders are very high.. With the fulfillmenttools platform the company wants to give the end customer a real omnichannel experience and increase their revenue by being able to fulfil online orders faster and with more margin. The management has declared to roll-out a new strategy by offering their customers:
Ship directly from stores
Including brick & mortar stores in shipping of ecommerce orders
Real checkout experience
With headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany the company is focused on the European market having stores in the following cities:
Vienna, Austria
Graz, Austria
Copenhagen, Denmark
Aarhus, Denmark
Odense, Denmark
Berlin, Germany
Munich, Germany
Hamburg, Germany
Frankfurt, Germany
Cologne, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany
Hanover, Germany
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Utrecht, Netherlands
The Hague, Netherlands
Helsinki, Norway
Lisbon, Portugal
Zurich, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
Basel, Switzerland
Bern, Switzerland
Currently, the central warehouses are located in
Frankfurt, Germany
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Bor, Czech Republic
The company does not exclude further expanding to other markets like North America or Asia.
In order to follow this tutorial, the following things are helpful:
fulfillmenttools tenant and login credentials*
Postman, Insomnia or similar - any HTTP tool of your choice
curl (optional)
In this tutorial the API calls are made using curl.
*Your credentials will be received either by your professional services representative or when requesting a free trial tenant.
This tutorial guides you through the usual steps of an integration of fulfillmenttools into your environment. This is the order of the steps we see in most of the projects.
Firstly we will add the facilities to our tenant.
After that we will add listings for these facilities.
When the listings are added, we add stocks.
To fulfill Ship-from-Store orders, we need to configure carriers.
With the first four points we are ready to test the order placement.
For fulfilling orders, we need to add users.
To see whether an order is fulfillable, we use the checkout options.
The full potential of our platform is used when the Distributed Order Management System is used.
As last step we configure the local fulfillment.
Last updated